19th September 2017

Balsam & Exhibition IWM September Blog

Balsam & Exhibition

We are quickly coming to the end of the treatment season & thoughts now turn to taking some well-earned time off. Whilst most of our (mainly wet) summer has been spent trying to work around the inclement weather conditions we have also been working on another business project which we are very excited about!

In these updates we tend to talk mainly about Japanese Knotweed & the effects, the information & misinformation out there in the wide world & what can be done about it. This month (mainly because its been so bloody wet) I would like to talk about another problematic species, Himalayan Balsam. This beautiful plant is the largest annual plant in Britain & can grow at an unbelievable rate. It originates from, you guessed it, the Himalayas, and has a distinctive purple flower. It is particularly invasive and can create dense growth. It enjoys wetland areas and currently it can be seen infesting river banks across the UK. It spreads by impressive seed burst and is currently classified as a Schedule 9 plant under the wildlife & countryside act.


Footage of the seed burst below


This year we are also exhibiting at http://www.landremediationexpo.com/ Here we hope to meet some interesting figures in the land remediation sector & attend seminars to keep up with the latest industry developments. Key-note speakers from the Environment Agency, EIC & business leaders make this one of the most important exhibitions of its kind in the UK.

Feel free to come and have a chat at our stand C3180 to discuss, well, anything really!


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